搪瓷面釉 |
面釉使用說(shuō)明 Instruction 1、面釉具有良好的乳濁度和光澤度,瓷面細膩光潔,但不能直接涂搪在金屬基材上,要選擇匹配的底釉,面釉燒成溫度低于底釉。 Instruction:Enamel cover coat frits have good opacity and gloss with clean and fine surface,but they can't be directly coated on the based metal,they require the matched ground coat frits.The firing temperature of cover coat frit is lower than that of ground coat frit. 2、鈦釉磨加配比及工藝要求: Mill addition ratio and requirements of Titanium frits: 3、銻釉磨加配比及工藝要求: Mill addition ratio and requirements of Antimony frits: |